1) Her true color - arts from Africa..cantek x??
Ade org bgtau aku.."ak bukak blog mu..xupdate pn?" haha. mmg ak malas skit nk update lately ni..bukan ape, xde benda best berlaku dlm hidup. (Bangun tidur, gosok baju, mandi, then p ofis). Dok ofis, bukak tenet main Facebuk sampai lebam..pdhal xdapat hadiah pn main game application dlm FB tuh.hehe, xpn intai2 org yg penah kita suka atau pempuan goges yg kita admire...entri kali ni ade kaitan ngan sorg senior yg ak admire gaya hidup n fesyennya, bosan2 ptg ni ak bukak blog org (hobi mek F)..terlintas la nk tgk blog akak senior ni..entrinya ad kaitan dgn personality test, ape lagi...aku pn try la search free personality test dan cube menjawab 24 soalan ttg diri..Alhamdulillah resultsnya ada iras diri aku..so, bg kenkawan yg xfaham diri aku ni jenis yg mcmane bacelah ulasan mat salleh dibawah ye:
SARAH's Personality Style Preview:
SARAH values close, personal relationships, and she will often put the needs and desires of those who are loyal friends ahead of her own needs. She is an even-paced individual who thrives in a peaceful, harmonious environment. SARAH will work to avoid conflict and sudden changes in her lifestyle and finds joy in keeping tradition.
SARAH is an optimistic individual. She is the type of person who loves exploring new places or things and a wide variety of experiences. She tends to display a natural charisma that draws others to her charm. SARAH is a very encouraging person; others are drawn to her because they find her inspirational.
Neat and orderly, others usually see SARAH as practical. She needs adequate information to make decisions, and she will consider the pros and cons. She may be sensitive to criticism, and will tend to internalize her emotions. SARAH likes to clarify expectations before undertaking new projects, and she will follow a logical process to gain successful results. (yg ni mcm xbape je)
Because she cares about how others feel, SARAH may feel uncomfortable making decisions that strongly affect others. She typically encourages others to be involved in the decision making process and prefers to work in a team role. Others tend to see SARAH as agreeable and humble.
p/s: xsemua betul benda ni tp ak rs 85% betul, so.."don't try to judge who am i but try judge your own self by doing sort of these test"..love you alls...XOXO |
hahaha.. mmg ada satu paragraph yang aku mmg tak setuju.. wakakakakak... especially part ".... neat and orderly..." :P
ReplyDeleteOther than that, I setuju sgt2.. hehehe..
Love yourself for who you are.. :)
hahhaha..tau xpe..part tu mmg lack 20%...